Hodge has today made some changes to its Portfolio Buy to Let (PBTL) loans, including increasing its maximum LTV to 75%, as well as increasing the LTV for multi-unit freehold blocks (MUFB) for up to 15 units to 70%. 

We’e also introduced a variable rate product which will have a rate of 3.25% over Bank of England base rate, offering an alternative to our five year fixed rate loan. 

Mike Clifford, head of commercial propositions at Hodge, said: “Here at Hodge, we’re always keen to add to the flexibility of our products and develop them in line with what landlords and brokers are telling us. 

“Our recent research into the market found that flexibility is key for landlords and brokers, with 40% of landlords saying that finding the correct mortgage is frustrating. We’ve listened to these concerns, and come up with some changes to our product range that will give landlords greater choice in how they shape their lending; making managing their property portfolios more straightforward.” 

Mike added: “In particular, the variable rate PBTL option will give landlords the option to select a rate that will reduce their early repayment charges significantly in the early years of the loan, while the fixed rate option offers certainty over their interest costs – allowing them to select products that are right for them, depending on what their investment strategy is.” 

Our portfolio buy-to-let loan is designed for landlords with four or more properties, looking for one loan which covers them all, offering a practical solution to help professional landlords stay organised, helping to keep things streamlined and flexible. You can read more about the portfolio buy-to-let products at Hodge here.  

New research by Hodge has found nearly three-quarters of portfolio buy-to-let landlords prefer to access finance through a broker. 73% said they prefer to use a mortgage broker while the other 27% go direct to lender. 

Our research, which asked portfolio buy-to-let landlords and brokers for their views, also found that 71% of larger investors (with portfolios of between £2m – £50m) specified that a broker had saved them money by getting them a good deal. 

With so many borrowers putting their trust in brokers to find them a loan that suits them, brokers are seen as a key link between lenders and investors – with the added benefit of removing frustrations for landlords.  

40% of buy-to-let landlords said they use a broker as they found researching a suitable mortgage product themselves a frustrating task, with annoyances including interest rates (35%), lack of clarity over charges (35%), and mortgage/ loan underwriting (31%). 

Mike Clifford, head of commercial propositions, at Hodge says:  

“Our research shows borrowers clearly value the support of a broker to find them the best deal and trust them to find a lender that suits their needs.”  

“The residential market is still very buoyant and many buy-to-let landlords are on the look-out for new properties to add to their portfolio. When it comes to lenders they want flexibility, speed and efficiency, something we strive to achieve here at Hodge.”  

We’ve created a portfolio buy-to-let product especially for professional landlords looking for one loan to house their entire residential property portfolio. Our portfolio buy-to-let product is designed for landlords with four or more properties, looking for one loan which covers them all, offering a practical solution to help professional landlords stay organised, helping to keep things streamlined and flexible. 

Mike adds: 

“We have a small, specialist residential investment team who aim to provide a bespoke and flexible service to both brokers and investors. Getting to know our customers, listening to their feedback and keeping them in the loop when it comes to criteria changes and product enhancements allows us offer greater flexibility and match the right product to the right investor.  

“Our portfolio buy-to-let loan allows landlords to control their assets under one loan, with the flexibility to remove and add properties, ensuring a far more streamlined, flexible product, which, according to our research, is just want landlords – and brokers – are looking for.”   

You can read more about the portfolio buy-to-let products at Hodge here. 

We’ve been helping professional landlords meet their residential property investment aspirations for years, and we’ve recently revamped our products so that we can offer the best support possible. From landlords with a small number of properties, to larger investors with more complex portfolios, we offer specialist loans to meet a range of ambitions.

Our team are running a webinar on 21st July at 11am, where we’d love to invite you to learn all about how Hodge can support landlords in the Portfolio Buy-to-Let market. We’ll cover:

To register for the webinar, click here:


We look forward to seeing you there!

We’ve been helping professional landlords meet their residential property investment aspirations for years, and we’ve recently revamped our products so that we can offer the best support possible.  From landlords with a small number of properties, to larger investors with more complex portfolios, we offer specialist loans to meet a range of ambitions. Here’s a guide to our two products – Portfolio Buy-to-Let and Specialised Residential Investment – explaining how they work, how they differ, and who they’re for.  

Portfolio Buy-to-Let

What is the Portfolio Buy-to-Let loan? 

We created our Portfolio Buy-to-Let product especially for professional landlords looking for one loan to house their entire residential property portfolio. It’s a practical solution to help professional landlords stay organised and perhaps release equity for further acquisitions. 

Who is it for? 

Our Portfolio Buy-to-Let loan could be for you if you’re a professional landlord, trading as either a Ltd Company, LLP, partnership, or sole trader. 

It’s for landlords with residential portfolios made up of between four and 15 properties, looking for a loan of up to £5m, with an LTV of up to 70%. We offer a 10-year term and can accept small multi-unit blocks (up to four units) as part of the portfolio. 

To make things easy, we’ve put together a portfolio and landlord checklist that you can use to cross reference criteria and suitability.  

How does it work? 

Our Portfolio Buy-to-Let loan is interest only, meaning you’ll make interest payments each month, and repay the full loan at the end of the term. When you apply for the loan, we’ll agree the amount you can borrow up front. 

You’ll be given a dedicated Relationship Manager, so you’ll always be able to speak to someone who knows the details of your portfolio and understands your situation.  

We understand that lots of our clients are active landlords, so, if you’d like to make any changes to your portfolio after completion, just get in touch with a proposal and we’ll work with you to try and find a solution .  

What are the benefits? 

Landlords tell us that there are two key benefits to our Portfolio Buy-to-Let loan: 

  1. You can house your entire portfolio under one loan – keeping things simple and straightforward  
  1. We’ll let you swap properties in and out of the portfolio as your ambitions grow and change – meaning you’ve got the flexibility to focus on what’s important. 

Specialised Residential Investment 

What is the Specialised Residential Investment loan? 

Our Specialised Residential Investment loan is similar to our Portfolio Buy-to-Let loan, but works well for larger investors, or those with residential portfolios that are a little more complex. 

Who is it for? 

If you’re a professional investor, trading as either a Ltd Company, LLP, or sole trader, looking for a loan of up to £10m with an LTV of up to 65%, our Specialised Residential Investment loan could be for you.  

We’ll look at portfolios with more than 15 properties, with no maximum portfolio size – making it great for larger investors with ambitions to grow. We can also support you with residential portfolios that’re a little out of the ordinary. We’ll consider multi-unit blocks, houses of multiple occupancy (up to 6 beds in a single property), and a little commercial mixed use (like a small shop).  

How does it work? 

We know you need a repayment plan that suits your business, and are happy to consider both interest only and repayment options. When you apply for the loan, we’ll agree the amount you can borrow up front, as well as agreeing on a monthly repayment plan and a strategy for final capital repayment if you opt for an interest only package.  

You’ll be given a dedicated Relationship Manager, so you’ll always be able to speak to someone who knows the details of your portfolio and understands your situation.  

If you need to borrow more money throughout, we can consider this under our ‘flexible amendments’ feature. On completion, you can get in touch with us to chat through your proposal, and we’ll look at ways we can work together to achieve your ambitions. 

What are the benefits? 

Our expert team have years’ of experience structuring complex residential investment loans, so we’re well placed to understand that each portfolio is different. We’ll work hard to make sure we really understand your goals, and how we can best support them. 

When assessing your application, we’ll try to be as flexible as possible, looking at property quality, location, tenant covenant, and investor experience, as well as property type and sector.  

How do I know which loan is right for me? 

The best way to work out which loan is right for you is to review the criteria carefully, and speak to a trusted broker or financial advisor who’ll be able to guide your decision.  

As a general rule, our Portfolio Buy-to-Let loan is suited to landlords with smaller, more straightforward portfolios, while our Specialised Residential Investment works for larger investors with a more complex mix of properties.  You can find out a little more information on each loan here, as well as finding our contact details when you’re ready to get started: 

If you have any questions or would like to find out any more information, you can also give us a call and speak to our experienced team, who’ll be happy to help run you through the way the different loans work in more detail.  

We created our portfolio buy-to-let product especially for professional landlords looking for one loan to house their entire residential property portfolio. It’s a practical solution to help professional landlords stay organised.

And, because we consider the whole portfolio, we can help to keep things streamlined and flexible. To find out more about how our Portfolio Buy-to-Let team could help you, or your clients, achieve their residential investment goals, take a look here.

Our Portfolio Buy-to-Let team have been busy supporting landlords on a wide variety of projects and investments over the last few months. Here’s a sample of some of the clients we’re proud to have helped recently.

At Hodge, we’ve created our Portfolio Buy-to-Let Loan for professional landlords, with four properties or more, who are looking to manage their portfolio under one loan. We know that property portfolios come in lots of shapes and sizes, and that’s why we’ve tailored our criteria – so that we can work flexibly, depending on what landlords are working with.

From multi-unit freehold block acquisitions to refinancing a multi property portfolio, we can support a wide range of portfolio buy-to-let ambitions. For a flavour of our work, take a look at a selection of recent tombstones below.

“It’s really refreshing to see banks like Hodge continuing to lend in difficult times, while others sit back and wait. This type of unwavering support is exactly how long-term relationships are formed, and I’m confident that that’s where we’re heading.”

Hodge £3m residential investment portfolio client