The 12 scams of Christmas and how to spot financial fraud

Hodge has produced a guide to help brokers spot potential Christmas scams and festive financial fraud

Hodge is calling on intermediaries and brokers to be alert to potential financial fraud targeting their clients this festive season.

It has published a guide called 12 scams of Christmas, authored by Jordan Jones, Hodge’s retail fraud investigation specialist outlining the tricks cyber criminals play to entice people to part with their well-earned cash, as well as advice on what to do if clients fall prey to fraudulent activity.

The list includes fake delivery texts, voucher traps, romance scams and bidding for items on auction sites that don’t exist as well as ticketing fraud, charity scams and the dangers of clicking on a Christmas e-card.

Recent research carried out by Hodge and Hourglass, the charity calling time on the harm, abuse and exploitation of older people, surveyed more than 2,000 people aged between 45-70, about financial fraud and older people.

The research revealed that 94% of 45–70-year-olds believe financial service companies need to do more to protect older people from this kind of abuse, prompting Hodge and Hourglass to launch the Safer Ageing Initiative, to help older people and those who care for them keep their finances safer online.

Jordan said: “Christmas is a time for giving – but no-one wants to give money to clever scammers who use the festive season to try and exploit people’s good natures.

“This guide highlights some of the potential tricks cyber criminals play to take advantage of people’s kindness and excitement. With so many people shopping online, not just at Christmas, but throughout the year, it’s essential that everybody knows the dangers posed by scammers and what to do if they are a victim of financial fraud.”

Jordan added: “Many clients may come to financial advisers or brokers for help and advice if they are worried about a dodgy looking email, or if they believe they have been duped, so we thought it was important to give our intermediary partners a guide on the latest scams doing the rounds so they can help their clients, should the need arise.”

Hodge has also published tools and advice to help brokers and financial advisors identify the signs that might indicate one of their older clients could be a victim of economic abuse or vulnerable to financial harm, and also what can be done if they suspect their clients might be at risk.

To see the 12 Scams of Christmas guide, go to

For more information please contact:

Kath Chadwick, Lynsey Walden or Rachel Mainwaring at Front Door Communications on and 029 20 020360.


All figures, unless otherwise stated as being from Hourglass’ helpline data, are from an online survey conducted between 6th – 13th September 2021. Total sample size was 2,013 45–70-year-olds from across the UK.

About Hourglass:

Hourglass is the UK’s only charity focused on the abuse and neglect of older people whose mission is simple: end the harm, abuse and exploitation of older people in the UK.

The charity has nearly 30 years’ experience as Action on Elder Abuse and over that time its work has touched tens of thousands of people, shaped government policy and amplified the issue in national press.