Everyone has the right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. Abuse has no age limit, with as many as one in five over 65 being abused, that’s 2.7m victims across the UK according to Hourglass, the UK’s only charity dedicated to supporting the fight against elderly abuse.
Abuse is never acceptable. If you think you’re being abused or are feeling vulnerable, or you think somebody else is, free help and support is available.
It takes many forms and isn’t always an isolated incident. Abuse doesn’t have to be physical, so understanding more about it means it can be identified and stopped quickly.
Do not suffer in silence.
Types of abuse
Abuse can look and feel different in every situation. Understanding what it looks like, and spotting the signs is the first step in helping you and your loved ones live safer lives in later years.
- Sexual Abuse
- Financial Abuse
- Psychological Abuse
- Physical Abuse
- Domestic Abuse
- Neglect
Why does abuse happen?
Abuse of older people can take many different forms. It’s an expression of power and control, exercised by the perpetrator over the victim. It can be spontaneous, where a perpetrator takes advantage of a situation, or it could be a premeditated and calculated act.
These types of abuse stem from the real or perceived vulnerability of older people:
- Through domestic abuse. This is often gender related with women often being the victim. It can be from an adult family member, or a current intimate partner
- Through prejudices. This is typically through environments and situations that create institutional attitudes and approaches which put older people at risk. Through lack of knowledge and skills
- A lack of knowledge and skills, or external support for those in positions of trust can lead to abuse.

What can I do about abuse?
Sometimes it isn’t easy to accept you’re a victim of abuse, and it can be very difficult to tell someone else. If the person causing the abuse is a close family member or a friend, someone you trust and care about it can feel even harder to speak out. It may be easier speaking to someone outside of your immediate family and friends, who understands what you’re going through, and what to do to make things better.
Hourglass is the only helpline which focuses on and supports elderly people live safe lives. Trained and experienced staff and volunteers will listen to your concerns and provide suggestions and advice. It’s free to call, and entirely confidential. The number won’t appear on a phone bill. The helpline will always look to respect your privacy, but there may be occasions when this isn’t possible, for example if you or someone else is in immediate danger.
Whether it’s you or a loved one, help is on hand.

More help
View or download UK Finance’s leaflet for further support on surviving economic and financial abuse.