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Lifestyle lending and income out of the ordinary whitepaper

James Enos
21st March 2024

In our latest whitepaper, Hodge’s London team discuss hot topics in the specialist lending sector of the mortgage market today.

Abenaa Afari, business development manager, provides data-backed insight into how Londoners stand out as the most likely people in the UK to gift money and what this means for mortgages in a cost of living crisis.

James Enos, national account manager, unravels the complexity of incomes out of the ordinary, tackling the challenges on securing lending for clients with unique financial circumstances.

The whitepaper also features a number of case studies that show how utilising our expertise in income can help overcome obstacles for your later life and professional clients. Brad Street, another of our business development managers, comments on the ongoing challenges of maximising affordability in today’s market and what brokers should look out for.

Have a case with a compelling story? Let your local BDM know, we’d love to hear from you!

James Enos
21st March 2024

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