Understanding our customers

We want our customers to be confident that we’ll be there in the moments that matter. We’ll always be fair and considerate of our customers’ needs, and act responsibly in everything we do.

Our promise to our customers:

  • We will work with you to produce products and services that meet your needs
  • Our employees will work with you and are trained to provide excellent customer service
  • To speak to you in language you understand. We’ll keep our communication jargon-free but if you ever think we’ve broken this promise, we want you to let us know
  • We welcome feedback from customers whether good or bad, so we know where we can improve to make our customers’ lives better

How we use customer and broker feedback

Customer feedback gives us valuable insight into how we can improve to make our customers’ lives better. We want to be there for our customers in the moments that matter, and to understand their needs and what they want from us we understand the importance of communication and our customers’ opinions.


We encourage customers to leave us honest reviews on Trustpilot, and we pride ourselves in replying to each one to show our appreciation or to resolve any problems the customer is having.


We regularly send out satisfaction surveys to our Savings customers, Mortgage customers and intermediaries. These surveys help us understand whether our products work for our customers.

With all our surveys, we ask customers if they would like to tell us more, if so we’ll give them a call to discuss their experience in more detail.

Focus groups and interviews

We hold interviews and focus groups with customers and brokers, so we can learn first-hand what matters to them, and what they want from a bank. This insight in invaluable to us and helps make key decisions within the business, especially when designing new products and services.

After gaining this feedback we review it and take it into account in future business decisions, to help improves processes and journeys.

Feedback button

We have a feedback button available on every page on our website, where customers or intermediaries can send in any feedback they have.

This is regularly reviewed then sent off to the relevant department to help us continually improve, so we can be the best for our customers.