Contacting us is just one of many things you’ve got to think about, so we promise to try and make the process as quick and easy as possible for you when you’re ready to get in touch.
Single mortgage
If the mortgage is held in a single name, or both mortgage holders pass away then we’ll make contact with the customers’ representatives to discuss redemption of the mortgage. Usually, the outstanding balance is redeemed through the sale of the mortgaged property. On receipt of the full redemption funds, we discharge our interest in the property and its title at the Land Registry.
Hodge will continue to work with the executor/personal representative in order to see the loan repaid. This could be someone named in the will who has obtained probate or in the case of no will, someone who has obtained letters of administration. Sometimes they appoint a solicitors to represent them in this process.
Joint mortgage
In a joint mortgage we require the death certificate for the deceased mortgage holder, so we can make the necessary changes to the account. We will also ask the level of ownership each party holds, i.e. whether the mortgage is shared equally between two parties (joint tenants) or a specific share each (tenants in common). If payments were made from an account belonging to the deceased, we might need some different payment details.
Get in touch with our mortgages team
If you’d like to let us know that someone’s passed away, you can get in touch with our team who’ll guide you through the process of what happens when someone dies and the next steps. You can call us on 0800 731 4076 or email using the link below.