
We have partnered with Hourglass to help support their mission to fight the abuse of older people and their families. According to the charity, around 2.7 million people over the age of 65 are victims of abuse each year, and more recent research from the organisation shows that the situation has worsened since the Coivd-19 pandemic.

As part of its work, Hourglass collaborates with the government and other frontline organisations to nurture its safer ageing agenda. It also provides a free-to-call helpline for people suffering from the five forms of abuse: physical, psychological, financial, sexual or neglect.

Four to do More

Hodge gives all staff four paid days a year to take off work and volunteer instead. This can be done with teams, family or friends.

City Hospice

We supported City Hospice’s Light Up A Life campaign, which is in the spirit of remembering a loved one, with all colleague donations being matched by the Hodge Foundation. These donations help provide families in Cardiff the opportunity to receive the highest levels of care and support offered by City Hospice.

Hodge’s social committee also donated £5 to the campaign for every colleague that made a donation.

Ty Hafan

We were honoured to have been invited to place a personalised engraved ‘Silver Leaf’ on Ty Hafan’s gift tree yesterday at their Head Office in Sully.

Ty Hafan is one of the UK’s leading paediatric palliative care charities, they provide care to children and support for their families and we are proud to have donated over £75,000 to this incredible organisation since they were established 21 years ago.

Each year Ty Hafan take care of over 300 families from across Wales in the hospice, in the community and in their homes so they can make the most of the time they have left together.

Hodge CEO Dave Landen and some of the team went along to place the engraving and to hear more about the remarkable work they do.